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10 electrical engineering MCQ for freshers

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10 electrical engineering MCQ for freshers


Here are 10 multiple choice questions (MCQs) on basic electrical engineering concepts for freshers:


What is the SI unit of electric current?

a) Ampere

b) Volt

c) Ohm

d) Watt


Which material is commonly used for the core of an electromagnet?

a) Copper

b) Aluminum

c) Iron

d) Silver


What is the formula for Ohm's law?

a) V = IR

b) I = VR

c) R = VI

d) P = VI


What is the voltage across a closed switch in a simple series circuit?

a) Zero

b) Equal to the source voltage

c) Depends on the resistance

d) Half of the source voltage


What does a capacitor store?

a) Charge

b) Voltage

c) Current

d) Resistance


Which component is used to increase or decrease voltage in a circuit?

a) Resistor

b) Capacitor

c) Transformer

d) Diode


What is the unit of power?

a) Joule

b) Watt

c) Ampere

d) Volt


What does an inductor store?

a) Voltage

b) Current

c) Energy

d) Charge


What is the purpose of a diode in a circuit?

a) Amplify signals

b) Control voltage

c) Allow current to flow in one direction

d) Store energy


What is the function of a fuse in an electrical circuit?

a) Regulate current flow

b) Store energy

c) Protect against overcurrent

d) Control voltage




a) Ampere

c) Iron

a) V = IR

a) Zero

a) Charge

c) Transformer

b) Watt

b) Current

c) Allow current to flow in one direction

c) Protect against overcurrent


I hope these questions help you in your preparation! If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.

10 electrical engineering MCQ for freshers