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FAQ PHP Question with Answer

Categories: Programming

FAQ PHP Question with Answer


Q: What is PHP?

A: PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a server-side prearranging language intended for web improvement. It is utilized to make dynamic pages that can interface with information bases and other web advances.


Q: What is the most recent version of PHP?

A: The most recent version of PHP as of September 2021 is PHP 8.0.


Q: What is the default file extension for PHP files?

A: The default document expansion for PHP records is ".php".


Q: What is the syntax for a PHP comment?

A: The syntax for a PHP remark is "//" for single-line remarks or "/* */" for multi-line remarks.


Q: How would you declare a variable in PHP?

A: In PHP, you can proclaim a variable by utilizing the dollar sign ($), trailed by the variable name. For instance: $my_variable = "Hi World";


Q: What is the difference between "==" and "===" in PHP?

A: "==" is utilized for esteem examination, while "===" is utilized for worth and type correlation.


Q: What is a session in PHP?

A: A session in PHP is a method for putting away data (factors) that can be utilized across different pages.


Q: What is the difference between $_GET and $_POST in PHP?

A: $_GET and $_POST is both used to gather information from HTML structures. $_GET sends the structure information as a component of the URL, while $_POST sends the information in the HTTP request body.


Q: How would you interface with a MySQL data set utilizing PHP?

A: You can interface with a MySQL data set utilizing PHP by utilizing the mysqli_connect() capability. For instance: $connection = mysqli_connect("localhost", "username", "secret key", "database_name");


Q: How would you display errors in PHP?

A: You can show mistakes in PHP by setting the error_reporting() and display_errors() mandates in the php.ini record or by utilizing the error_reporting() and ini_set() capabilities in your PHP code.

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FAQ PHP Question with Answer