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C Programming Multiple Choice Question MCQ

Categories: Programming

Q1. Identify the error in this C code:

int main() {

int x;

scanf("%d", x);

printf("%d", x);

return 0;


(A) Missing & in scanf

(B) Wrong format specifier

(C) No error

(D) Syntax error

Answer: A

Q2. Find the mistake in this code:

int main() {

float num;

printf("Enter a number: ");

scanf("%f", num);

printf("You entered: %f", num);

return 0;


(A) Missing & in scanf

(B) Incorrect format specifier in printf

(C) No error

(D) Syntax error

Answer: A

Q3. Which operator is used for division in C?

(A) -

(B) *

(C) /

(D) =+

Answer: C

Q4. What does the '==' operator check?

(A) Assignment

(B) Equality

(C) Greater than

(D) Less than

Answer: B

Q5. What is the result of the logical expression (1 && 0)?

(A) 1

(B) 0

(C) True

(D) False

Answer: B

Q6. What does the '+' operator do in C?

(A) Addition

(B) Subtraction

(C) Multiplication

(D) Division

Answer: A

Q7 Which operator has higher precedence, '+' or '*'?

(A) *

(B) Both are same

(C) =+

(D) None

Answer: *

Q8. What does the '!' operator do in C?

(A) Negation

(B) Addition

(C) Multiplication

(D) None

Answer: A

Q9 What is the output of the expression 2<3?

(A) 0

(B) 1

(C) 2

(D) 3

Answer: B

Q10 What will be the output of the following C code?

int main() {

int a = 10, b = 5;

printf("%d", a / b);

return 0;


(A) 2

(B) 5

(C) 0

(D) 10

Answer: 2

Q11. What is the output of the following C code snippet?

int main() {

int x

= 10;

printf("%d", x++ + ++x);

return 0;


(A) 20

(B) 21

(C) 22

(D) 23

Answer: C

Q12 What is the result of the following expression?

int a = 1; int b = a++ + ++a;

(A) 2

(B) 3

(C) 4

(D) 5

Answer: C

Q13 Pseudocode:

SET x TO 5, y TO 10 IF x LESS THAN y THEN PRINT "x is less than y" ELSE PRINT "x is not less than y"

(A) Prints "x is less than y"

(B) Prints "x is not less than y"

(C) Prints nothing

(D) Syntax error

Answer: A

Q14 Pseudocode:

SET a TO 10, b TO 20 PRINT a PLUS b

(A) 30

(B) 20

(C) 10

(D) 0

Answer: 30

Q15 Pseudocode:

SET num TO 5 IF num EQUALS 5 THEN PRINT "Five" ELSE PRINT "Not Five"

(A) Prints "Five"

(B) Prints "Not Five"

(C) Prints nothing

(D) Syntax error

Answer: A

Q16 Pseudocode:

SET value TO 10 PRINT NOT value

(A) -10

(B) 0

(C) 1

(D) 10

Answer: B

Q17 Pseudocode:

SET a TO 10, b TO 20 IF a GREATER THAN b THEN PRINT "a is greater" ELSE PRINT "b is greater or equal"

(A) Prints "a is greater"

(B) Prints "b is greater or equal"

(C) Prints nothing

(D) Syntax error

Answer: B

Q18 Pseudocode:

SET x TO 5 IF x GREATER THAN 0 AND x LESS THAN 10 THEN PRINT "x is between 0 and 10"

(A) Prints "x is between 0 and 10"

(B) Prints nothing

(C) Syntax error

(D) Prints "x is not between 0 and 10"

Answer: D

Q19 Pseudocode:


(A) Prints "Even"

(B) Prints "Odd"

(C) Prints nothing

(D) Syntax error

Answer: B

Q20 Spot the error:

int main() {

int a = 10, b = 0;

printf("%d", a / b);

return 0;


(A) Division by zero

(B) Syntax error

(C) No error

(D) Wrong format specifier

Answer: A

C Programming Multiple Choice Question MCQ